On Death and Dying

Whether it’s just that I’m “getting to that age”, it really doesn’t matter. I’m losing more family and friends than ever to death. As a Christian, at their “passing”, my first thought is always to wonder whether they had their destiny fixed in Jesus Christ. An eternal destiny. Never to change. That can be a good thing, being forever in heaven. Or it can be a bad thing; in fact, there could be nothing worse than being in that “other place” so many folks don’t like to talk about — much less believe in. “How could a loving God send anyone to hell?” they’ll demand. And my answer is always the same (grounded in scripture): God created hell for the devil and his angels [Matt. 25:41]. Further, and importantly, it’s our choice where we go. We’ve been offered the free gift of salvation through, and only through, God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ [John 3:16].


The Fall of an Empire


Life in the Ag Lane